Have been eating bacon and eggs toasted sandwich almost everyday. Fatty. So I pretended to be healthy and got a healthy sandwich instead. I got ham and boiled eggs sandwich! BOOYA!
Spent 3 hours tubing dance crew clips. Quest Crew. Poreotics. Jabbawokeez. Please marries me! I want to be in a crew. I secretly battled myself. It was j v mirror_j. No one won. We called it truce when I tried doing a turtle spin on my back and then I ripped my pants. Then I laughed. But no one else did. Battle me?
This person might battle me. It's his birthday today. Ola!
Happy birthday homie! He is sooooo funny.
[source: a_ditty]
I also found 100's and 1000's on my car seat today. Im onto you fairies! Well played fairies well played. I tried to flick them out of the car on the highway but it hit me in the face.
Pointless rambling. I'm sorry! Peace and love.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
no joke claudia, but I think you might have copied me.
These represent my standard daily when I come home from work, bar the third pose. Because I'm cool like that and I dont need a log to make me good lookin. I'll need more than that actually.
[Claudia Schiffer by Ellen von Unwerth _fashiongonerogue]
Sunday, July 25, 2010
sometimes when im bored. i draw on myself. do you?
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die halfway.
I made a painting for my friend today. I hope she likes it.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
lovely winter morning.
[ Annica by Dimitris Skoulos for Elle Greece August 2010 ]
i had a dream last night. it was a bad dream. dreamt that I wore a lamp around my neck because I would be granted with bright ideas every now and then. I tried to scratch my nose but the lamp shade was in the way. weird. I woke up with an itchy nose.
my brother just sneezed. and he had rice on his nose. lucky he doesnt have a lampshade perched on his face. cause that rice grain will be there forevs.
i had a dream last night. it was a bad dream. dreamt that I wore a lamp around my neck because I would be granted with bright ideas every now and then. I tried to scratch my nose but the lamp shade was in the way. weird. I woke up with an itchy nose.
my brother just sneezed. and he had rice on his nose. lucky he doesnt have a lampshade perched on his face. cause that rice grain will be there forevs.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
foot cramps and green tea lemon
Had a tough week, but am blessed to have met two amazing girls through work from my very first day.
Exhibit A - understands me. laughs with me at me. Is my little inspiration in all things rad, fashion-word, and creative. Makes me laugh unconditionally. Enjoys making little videos about quirky things. Foot cramps sux. I laughed so hard I had to shake a little dookie out of my pants.
Exhibit B - giggles. Cutest comments. Cute floral dresses. Shoes with one heel missing. Underlying ranga. Shares emails when we're being grilled by crazy manager. Shares bacon and egg sandwiches with me and made me a green tea with lemon. Laughs when no one else understands my jokes. We form part of the sisterhood of auditing pants.
i love you both very much. thanks for being my friends. if friends were like honey, id get my face stung a trillion times so that I could be friends with you. you know.. inflammed eyeballs, sausage lips. herpes face. yep. id do that. for you. period.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
big heads and little seats.
Had a client clearance meeting today and after all the serious matters discussed, we were reflecting on the shooting that killed a retiring security guard. The finance director mentioned that his brother was training up to be a copper and they were taught to shoot the largest surface area, usually the torso, if ever in need. The client then went on to say "unless they had a really big head". I laughed out LOUD, BAHA only to be given the 'behave now' eye of death by my team. No one else found it funny. :(
No I'm not fat. Don't judge me. x
I'm sorry for laughing. I wasn't laughing at the situation. Just the big head part. It's funny right. Right?!
On a side note, went to watch a movie today. The seats were particularly small today.
Luckily it was dark, so it could conceal the pain in trying to squeeze into them seats. If those seats were made out of paper, I would have destroyed the place.
[ Escada Fall 2010 Campaign _ Milla Jovovich by Peter Lindbergh ]
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
It all goes back to the cheeseburgerrr. Period.
Conversation I had with my dear friend! Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Save the world. Save the cheerleader.
*: It's so cold in my room when I breathe there's steam. In. my. room. Unbelieveable.
J: That's very cold!! Wear an extra pair of undies, it works.
J: I just had an image.. you were Harry Potter, and the dementors were coming!!
*: Hahaha. That would make my Saturday so much more interesting. I'll be fighting them in my PJ's then I'll be outnumbered and then you can rescue me with your 'Patronus'.
J: But you're Harry, and you have the stronger Patronus. I can be Ron and throw my rat at them and knock them over!
*: But I'm still drunk, so my Patronus might come out as 'Penis' instead. Red heads are awesome. I like redheads.
J: Hahaha. Hilarious. I think the word penis is hilarious. PENIS. Ronald McDonald is a red head. He's also called Ron. He has a friend who's called Grim-ace. Like.. THE GRIM (Harry's tea reading). But he's an eggplant. Whoa duuuuude, spin out. Harry Potter ripped of Maccas.
Was on my way home, and was hungry, so drove by maccas and bought a cheeseburger. Cheeseburger fogged up my car windows.... penis!
My life is pretty average.
Monday, July 5, 2010
boogers.chronic smoker's cough.whinge.whinge.whinge.
ok. so there is all this whining and whinging on the likes of the facebooks and twitts claiming how sick everyone is. Attention seeking rats. Well, I spose.. the attention is nice, and I AM SICK. SO LOVE ME BITCHES!
[Bunny got nailed cardigan _Renegade Marmalade]
" Don't underestimate the power of the slumber, and get some shut eye. You are not a salmon. "

So leaving you with this important piece of advice from obnoxious_owl:
" Don't underestimate the power of the slumber, and get some shut eye. You are not a salmon. "
Out xx
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