Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stop talking. I can't hear you. My dress has eaten up my ears.

[ Chanel Iman for The Block Summer 2010 _First Look_fashiongonerogue]

A few people are leaving or have left at work. It's the awesome ones that are leaving. Sometimes I have to choke back on the tears and hide that I'm slowing dying inside as theyre telling me. So I avoid all eye contact and block it out. Cant hear YOU mofo. Oh my, dude, you have no chin, it's just part of your neck. You have a hickey, no, it must just be a huge arse pimps. Your eyes are sooo far apart. Your skin is soo beautiful. No chin, teehee. Oh look sad, LOOK SAD. LOOK fking SAD! KITTENS AT THE POUND! HOMELESS PEOPLE! BP OIL SPILL "Oh.. what did you say?!"

Miss them already.



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