Sunday, August 22, 2010

great company makes me me, so love me bitches. x

[Cintia Dicker by Anne Menke for Marie Claire France September 2010 ]

Kathleen's hens last night. Lots of pole dancing action, and dancing at the Retro. Favourite moment was when we asked the busker on the side of the bridge to serenade our bride to be .. "I'm red. I'm orange. I'm red and orange, and you're getting married". Love you gorgeous girl.

Although, I must tell you, the night ended in us so close to death. Two cabs nosedived into each other right in front of our faces. On the right of us, a dirty couple that were having a face fest on each other grinded and side stepped on the impact. It was almost like a musical. The off-duty copper near us, picked up the cab bumper of the side of the road, swung it off to the side of the road with his mighty cop arms, and flashed his badge and the cab driver received a belting for running the lights. The face fest couple now have stopped and with his pitched tent, the foul man left his lady friend. But everyone was ok. a-OK!!
Visted the local Salvo's again today on my lazy sunday afternoon, and bought old vinyls to create another wall piece. Exciting times. Started on a new sketch book as well. Will show you a snippet.

Miss you all dear friends.

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