Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Giants, little kids and balls

Interested? HA! read on..

My first baseball match at Tokyo Dome. Giants vs Rakuten Eagles. We of course cheered on for the Eagles, after my fearsome leader Mukai-san. She is really cute. We lost. Sorry Mukai-san. 

It was the Giants home field, the dome was filled with orange cheering towels. 
We defied it. 

Tap it and run. 

The crew that we later kicked on late into the night trying all sorts of beers and foods I had never eaten before. I'm sorry animal if I ate you.

Im sorry for my ugly massive head. Where did my neck go? Christ. Blobfish. I am sorry.

Google blobfish. 

How fitting. Im a Giant next to this Giant.

The next day, Mukai-san, KM and myself joined WG at the Orphanage Yokohama way, a few stops from Kamata. We couldn't take photos, but these kids were amazing! Beautiful beautiful kids, that I know, one day, will go very far. No fear, just pure determination. KM split his pants. I chortled, it was hilarious.  

Day after, if I had balls, they would've fallen off into the 3rd hour of the cycling session. We did a 6.5 hour tour around Japow Tokyo town. A-mazing.  Let me recap a few things for you.

Nihombashi bridge - this joined the five roads to the other party places in Japow. This was the centre. 

We stalked a few sumo lodges. The more higher ranked you are, the higher floors you get to stay at. The top sumo gets the penthouse at the top. He had very big boxers hanging off his balcony. We saw a few sumo's in the making outside the sumo stadium, cute. Mangoes.

Asahi brewery and Sky-tree in the background. I never actually realised but have been told it is a pint of beer with the right amount of head, and the golden turd, is the fire of passion coming out of the furnace of passion and into the Asahi beer. Wow. Japanese architecture. MINT. Japanese beer. DOPE.

Carlos our guide told us that the smoke at the Asakusa Sensoji grants you many things. So I pat smoke on my head for wisdom and intelligence. Gotta make my old man proud. Then I pat my body. Come on puberty, where art thou. I pat my heart, so that I could have all the love in the world to share with the peoples around me. Corny much. You love it. Yeahyeah.

The crew. Michael from MacQBank Australia, and Cochan from Tsukiji. 

By Ueno Park, hot helmet head. Carlos, hilariously funny.

Sue and Carlos sharing with us Tokyo's history on the grounds of Tokyo Uni. 

Then we left the uni through the red gates. There is a story behind the red gates.

Last stop, Imperial palace. 

RNg and OnionT, this one is for you. POW!


What were you thinking? You Pedo minded person. Out of the gutter! 

Love xx

1 comment:

Rachel said...

awesomeness i got a mention!! love ur work, sounds like ur having a fantastic time.