Tuesday, July 3, 2012


In a spate of 2 days:
mate on phone: "I got engaged"
mate in Tokyo: "I got married!"
mate on facebook: "He proposed! be my bridesmaid?"

wait.. wait.. let me go and feed my 500 cats. #foreveralone.

lies. thank goodness I have you Cooper face.

on a serious note (pshht, when am I serious), but I am, sincerely so very muchly EXCITED!!!


Grams said I was tall for the boys and told me to go easy at the gym before I turn into one. Told me that boys didn't like girls that looked like boys, and that boys that liked girls, the girls should be girls. 
I told her it's ok grams,  I'll just step down, brush the meatpie crumbs offa my shirt, wipe the tomato sauce offa my face, pick the crumbs outta my hair, take offa my heels. and .... 
everything else, why don't I. 

[Erin Heatherton by Hasse Nielsen for The Sunday Times UK Style ]



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