Sunday, May 16, 2010

listen to me. maybe. lady.

Excuse me, but......Honey, sit down, I have to speak with you...

1. Autumn - please use Blistex. It's hard to talk to someone who looks like "herpes-on-your face" kinda girl. It's cold, it's dry, your lips are chapped. Period.

2. f@ck off - rid your narcisistic, bullsh*t friends pumped of negativity. You don't need them.

3. Greasy hair - don't do it. You will get nits. Remember them? Good. Don't bring them back, it's not sexy.

4. Have an idea? - Put it into action. Cut the cord. You are capable. Less talk, more work. Go on son, make me proud. Whinge and I will punch you in the face.

5. Just because a girl has a pixie haircut - doesn't mean she's a girl lover. It just means she looks like one.

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