Visited shoe mender to get heels recapped.
Usually does it for me in 3 minutes, but had to wait an hour.
Swung by library to get a heads start on some work, while waiting on heels.
Man approaches me.
Man: " Do I know you?"
Me: "Uhh.. I don't think so"
Man: "You look familiar"
Me: (
f@ck you! Saying I look common, biatch)
Man: "Do you go to Hillsong"
Me: "No"
Man: "Are you sure I don't know you"
Me: "Uhh.. I'm quite sure I don't know you."
Man: (Walks away)
Man: (Returns)
Man: "This may sound silly, but can I ask if you want to go for a coffee or a drink?"
Me: "Oh! No, I'm alright thankyou"
He looked like a stranger, and momma taught me to not talk to strangers.
Truth was. I was scared he was going to steal my iphone, which had my fav app TapFish, and then my fishes would die because he woudlnt know when to feed them.