Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
who said hobo's arnt cool. I say yeeha, you say ha. yeeha- HA, yeeha HA!
Support the mo brothers (Beyond Blue (depression), Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I have recently gone back to my favourite site.
Can I get you in on it too... addictive. Ridiculously addictive..
Today, I was walking home from school when I tripped over a tree root and fell. Noticing some people behind me, I jokingly shouted "Help. I've fallen and I can't get up." Immediately, an elderly lady replied, "Don't worry. I have a Life Alert!" and waved around a small white device around her neck. After explaining to her that I was joking, she showed me the white device. It was an iPod shuffle. She wins. MLIA
Today, I was working the register at Walmart. I was checking out a family, and there was a book called "How To Be A Ninja". Whenever I scanned it, the screen said "Item Not Found". Well played ninjas, well played. MLIA
Today, I was eating pringles when I noticed the 200 average per can. I actually counted and saw 201. I felt above average, until I dropped the last chip on the floor.Well played fate, well played. MLIA
Today, whilst driving I decided to be nice and give way to a pedestrian who saluted me in thanks and then proceeded to moonwalk across the road. Best decision I made all day. MLIA
Today, in choir, we were practicing an African chant for our Spring concert. Imagine the look on my teachers face when I slowly raised a stuffed lion into the air at the height of the song, and all of my surrounding classmates bowed. MLIA
Today, I was talking with a friend in the kitchen when she dropped her phone. My dad, who was passing by, caught it before it hit the floor. He claimed it was because he was half-ninja. I wasn't excited until I realized that made me a quarter ninja. MLIA
Today I wore a shirt that has the "Hello my name is:" sticker filled in with "Ninja." I saw a guy with the same shirt, but instead it said "Jedi." Although I intended to have a staredown, he nodded at me; causing me to nod back. I think he just used the force on me. Well played, Jedi. This battle is not over. MLIA
Today, I went to a theme park with my mom. When the security guard was checking her purse, he asked, "Any bombs, drugs, or weapons?" My mom said, "No, they're all in the car." The guard cracked up and let her through. Coolest. Mom. Ever. MLIA.
A few days ago, my friend hurt his eye. I mocked him. Today, he came to school with an eyepatch and a stuffed parrot on his shoulder. I am insanely jealous. MLIA
ok 9 is enough for today dear noob. Please enjoy. wwww.mylifeisaverage.com

Friday, September 11, 2009
Eventful morning.
Stood up for a man when he got off train to avoid him climbing over people. Good.
Large lady, wasn't sure if she was slightly pregnant, closed my eyes and pretended to nap. Wanted to avoid the awkwardness if I had offered my seat because she was pregnant but she was infact just fat. Bad.
Asked lady if it was alright that I flicked the spider off her collar. She said yes, thanks very much. Spider flicked in my general direction. Good.
This post is pointless. I'm sorry. I'M SORRY.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
fat kid loves cake.
Love you like a fat kid loves cake..
How abt trying to be a little bit more adventurous.
love you like an indian loves his pappadums
or like a thai loves his basil
or like a fried chicken loves its kentucky
or like a banana that loves its leaves
or like a teapot loves its tea
or a like a worm that loves its ever growing BOODDY
and then the worm would say... "LIKE MA BODY BEHBEEEEHHH?"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
luckily no one saw me.
Nom Nom.. cupcake :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hi. I'm visiting, p.s i'm a giant.
Touchdown after a long day, walked a trillion metres along a silver sheltered covering which led to a cage. No joke, a chicken pen. Waited 20 minutes before I saw my beloved luggage. Was slightly amused at the thought that the airline had lost my bag, and I daydreamed about improvised clothes, like a singlet from an enviro shopping bag - if I cut the seams, it will turn out to be a smashing enviro friendly singlet. Or .. go commando. Like how the Egyptians do.
Friday - Was ultimately one of the best days.
Walked along Flinders lane, to find Yu-u. 120 minutes later, we found a miniature Alice in wonderland door embedded the wall. "Set lunch only, all sold". Bitch. I'm HUNGRY! Who hides such a rad restaurant in a wall?
Walked back the other way to find a Japanese restaurant, only to find out it was run by Chinese kids. Jipped. Random day, random laughter. I missed my big brother.
Picked up a few things, cute miss sixty's, rad transformers neckchain, suspender shirt, black kimono work skirt. Radical sales rep, wanted to be her best friend, but didn't want to freak her out. Dangerfield visit. and a few other random things. Shopping bag paper cut, broken shopping bag. Carrying empty broken shopping bag with paper cut. Had to throw away broken paper bag :(. Still have paper cut. I miss you shopping bag, you were really funky looking.
Night followed with awesome dancing, new friends and good times. Ps. yes, I am a giant. Mostly new friends spoke to my chest rather than my face, and photos consisted of new friends going for the arse rather than around the waist for a friendly photo snap pose. Nonetheless, was a smashing night. Night ended with propping up brother's pixie girlfriend, on a freeway strip.
Saturday, hangover. Cute brekkie with the boys. Adrian, Ryan and Aaron. Consisted of spaghetti on Ryans face, Aaron scoffing down eggs, and cute Adrian trying to impress me with his backwash. Shopping. Sat night, dinner with new friends. Classy. Still a giant. Note to self, do not wear heels unless wanted to be called a giant.
Sunday, Chapel st. Somewhat overrated. Binge shopped. Fun while it lasted. Sunday night bbq. Sweet. Wore brother's shirt that I brought from home. New friends recognised it. Fail. Masterchef finals. Julie. Fair enough. Quail eggs. Asian. Meegoreng. Nice.
Got a few sketches done in Melbourne, was hoping for more. Maybe next time. Soon.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
"Hi Bob*
Last friday, Carol* (director) and I.. we were appreciating how awesome your brain was when you had them radical insights.
I said I agreed, and she said you were a real asset, and I said, like.. on the balance sheet.
Then there was an awkward moment.
Then I looked into her eyes and whispered I loved her.
Then it was weird.
I lied.
But she really did say that you were awesome, and a real asset. I made the rest up, because nope, im really not that cool.
* Names have been changed to protect the people and to ...save the world, save the cheerleader.
I decided to go get some greasy noodles for lunch, and on the way back, an Indian man came right up to me, raised he's curry thumb within the vicinity of the bridge of my nose, and told me I had a lucky face?!
He asked me .. "do you know why"
I said, "cause I'm rad??!" and then I ran away because was scared he would steal my greasy noodles.
So I semi galloped back to work thinking I was lucky, but I semi slipped on the pavement, and heel got stuck in a ditch. Lucky much? period.
While I was trying to get heel out of dirty ditch, I pictured indian man saying odd things..
like.. "do you like ma booody", so very wrong. He had a hairy chest. period.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Failed attempt.
Nerdburger within.. SHOW YOURSELF!! x
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Model as Muse: Embodying Fashion (Metropolitan Museum of Art) by Harold Koda and Kohle Yohannan.
Model as Muse explores fashion’s reciprocal relationship to iconic beauties that represent the evolution and changing face of the feminine ideal. Featuring a brief historical overview of the phenomenon of the supermodel, the book begins in the early 20th century and continues to the present day. -FiFi
More fashion stuff coming your- way for autumn/winter.
ps. I'm on study leave in a few days, and residing in the realms of simpleinsanepunk. Started on a few sketches, will post them one day.
Pick your own adventure II
1. Exclusive, thirsty, Doh.
2. Bald, itchy, cold
Dont forget you can add scenarios as well.
Refer to link for the first intallment:
Pick your own adventure I
A sturdy arm grabs her shoulder....
'Welcome to the exclusive circus du pleuvoir', he pulled her into the alley behind the candy barber baton, and led her into the dark midst of a tunnel. P* followed obediently craddling the toddler in her arm, in an attempt to hide from the missle-ing blood-thirsty dragonflies.
There was a strong stream of radiant light at the corner of the tunnel, almost blinding. It lit the walls of the cave now, the walls so soft, it was play-Doh-like. The toddler touched the walls, doused her midget fingers into the liquid streaming off the walls and jabbed her hand into her mouth. "Momma, nom nom." Poor kiddo, thought P*. The toddler was 29, but her volcabulary extended to 'Momma and nom' yet she was eternally youthful. Albeit, it was believed she was once old and haggered when she was younger - bald, exhuberant and nasty.
'Momma.. itchy Momma', the 29 year old toddler scratched her nose and a burst of tinkerbell dust flew off-a her face and her nose grew an inch and jabbed her right eye. P*'s head jerked backwards and hit the moist walls, it was incredibly cold, the chill hit the back of her throat like an Asahi on a warm Autumn afternoon. Her head was heaving and a glorious Rapunzel mane grew, complete with a French plait and finished with a blue and gold ribbon. Eh?!
'Uhh, ladies, it is believed an enchanted muse lives in these walls', the sturdy arm man suggests. 'Try not to touch and I will lead you to safety'. He opens a set of odd curtains at the end, and a faint chant is heard coming from the light. P* drags her now elegant hair, eyebrows taut as the toddler hops onto the ground and holds onto P*'s hand.
'Pleuvoir - come, come, pleuvoir - come come' chants the crowd. Its muffled, but the curtain jostles as the wind escapes, "PLEUVOIR- COME COME!" roars the curtain, PLEUVOIR!!!!!
The sturdy arm locks a harness onto P* and swings her out into the bright light.. 'oh sweet mother of fkty fk.. woooooaahhhhhhhhhh', P* cinched her eyes closed, a whizz of air brushes her cheek, and then silence.. she opens one eye....
ps. I discovered a new game Lawrence Leung's choose your own adventure. I saw him Live at the Opera house, and he is an insanely smashingly awesome character. Addictive much?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Pick your own adventure.
You choose how the story goes, leave some comments and I will incorporate YOUR radical ideas into the story...]
These were the first three from Raymond:
Sun shining, birds chirping, an elegant swallow duck dives into the nearby raggedy tattered water fountain for a cool refreshment before the heat scorches the bitumen. A nearby toddler throws a tantrum as the mercury rises and the creases on the underside of her thigh accumulates sweat and chafs her pudgy legs, 'Momma I want some buns', she yells. 'Momma, ..I want some buns'! she stammers.
'Damn right you have a lovely rack of buns' sneers a man in a white lab coat, with a premature comb-over.
'You shut that filfhy mouth of yours young fella, or I'll shove that retort stand ..' He scurries off. P* looks at her teary eye companion, and straightens up. 'Cmon honey, let's cool you down'. She picks up her little friend, just as an airforce of metallic dragonflies whiz past her ear, FZZZZ, one snatches her elbow and a spritz of blood empties onto the bitumen. 'Oh, they're back' she mutters, picks up the toddler, and strides over to take cover. She takes cover behind a barber red and white twirl neon, hoping the rhythm of the twirl would distract the flies. A sturdy arm grabs her shoulder....
Dookie Breath
This morning I was on the train and I sat next to this lovely looking lady, she had a coffee in her hand. I shoved a dozen mints in my mouth and started to breathe heavily. Minty freshness overcomes neighbouring ladies scent.
Dookie breath indeed.
Friday, April 10, 2009
1. Hi my name is Julie. Whats yours?
2. I am old and I have braces that glow in the dark. Pretty Rad. But don’t be mean or I’ll land my G-trax in your arm.
3. Watching Spongebob makes me happy.
4. I don’t like suspense. My toaster scares me.
5. My sister calls me strange. I tell her to elaborate. She says I’m unusual.
6. I once caused a blackout in our hotel in Thailand. I was trying to leap from the top bunk to the other. My head hit the light and the whole place had candlelit showers that night. Exotic much?
7. I love nerds. With cardigans. And no lens dork glasses. Oh wait. That’s what I wore yesterday. Loser.
8. I am softly spoken. In year 2, the school thought I didn’t know how to speak the language so they sent me to ESL. I blitzed it. They just couldn’t hear me. :(
9. I did Food science and Technology, Innovation Management and Commerce in Uni. I am now an accountant. Super Rad!
10. I like to draw and paint. It rids my tendencies for mean words and angsty raps.
11. I sew. But it looks stupid.
12. Mum said we could choose 1 instrument to learn when we were kids. Allan chose piano, I chose the sax. Mum put me on the recorder. :( I can play ‘3 little sausages’ on G. Booya!
13. I remember people by a certain feature. My sister’s friends are “itchy skin girl”, “water-nose boy”, “echidna head boy” “big forehead girl”... I am so so terrible. I am “monkey mouth girl”
14. I like beer. a lot. and cheeseburgers.. mmmm cheeseburgers..
15. I was kicked by a bird behind the ear when I was younger. I now have a natural dodgy reflex to duck when I see a bird in my peripherals. Birds are farkin’ dirty. DIRTY. Fark.. they’re dirty!
16. Long drives are my annual highlights. It’s the great company and so I Thankyou, all of you.
17. I miss my big brother. He lives in Melbourne now. He used to tell me to eat.
18. Dookies, pellets and nuggets make me laugh real hard. But only if its animated. I am afraid of walking on grass.
19. The people I work with are mega rad. Totally not stereotype accountants. I try really hard to be cool, so then I’m rad enough to be their friends.
20. I cut my own hair sometimes.
21. My teeth really hurt right now. I am silently screaming inside while I eat these Dunkaroos. Sweet action Dunkaroos!
22. I could eat meegoreng all day! Indomie fer shizzles.
23. I secretly wish I could dance like a radical dance machine and battle all who questions my dancing abilities and break out in awesome krunk or the insane shuffle or some rad 80s dance moves. Or contemporary dance in a bar. Unfortunately I look like a feret when music controls my feet.
24. I get sucker punched into emotional stories. I get super excited when people share their stories with me. It’s a beautiful gift.
25. Thanks for having me. Peace. x
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Nihon-inspired no obi sash
Friday, January 23, 2009
1. Giraffes are rad. Visited Dubbo zoo a while back where giraffes would come right up to your face. They are elegant things I tell you. Divine lashes, dashing strong legs, and humble teeth. The ranger told us their legs were so powerful that they could knock out a tiger with just one smashing kick. Downfall is they would get headspins if they picked something off the ground because of their lanky long necks, albeit golden bronze mane.

4. Treehouses are super cool. One in an old oak tree, with a swing coming off one of its grand arms. Feel the breeze through my hair, apple raspberry cordial on the rocks. Imagination. Sublime.
5. I am strange.