ok. so limited time means imma send you a big fat post. Big and fat like my head. Ok maybe a few big fat posts.
Amongst the devastation, I had worked with the best team which gave me so much love it was amazement. They all had beautiful loving souls and we became a big family.
We made wearing our gear glamourous. Using NASA dry shampoo glamourous. Eating ramen was a blessing (Richard's initiation into Chicken Rush). The combini was a haven. Things got ghetto.
I learnt alot. Thankyou Richard for tips on tricks with the squat toilets. I will never overcome my fear of falling in and getting sucked into the tank.
Then things got crazy and party peoples were jumpin jumpin'.
Ted (aka Pochahontas' papa) decided to carry the fatty.
"J, you look like a girl. J, you talk like a girl and you act like a girl. But you're heavy like a boy"
Sorry fatty broke your back Ted.
Within the devastation and the neighbouring love hotels. We also found this amazing river. This river broke the tsunami.
Thanks for the dinner at night, and the radio taiso sessions in the morns. Thankyou Richard for the early morning entertainment.
The crew before we headed back on our long journey home.
All scrubbed up and beautiful at Hacienda del Cielo - Daikanyama. Miss you all already.

I am so lucky to have met you all. You are all beautiful good lookin
Thanks for the amazing memories while doing something so great for the
Tohoku community.
Thanks Richard for amusing me with your amazing Radio Taiso moves, showing
me tips and tricks for using the bathrooms, and being so down to earth and
fun despite being a Partner.
Thanks Hikaru for showing Becky and I how to walk like ladies, your good
looking tu-pac gangster head gear, and amazing us all with your
flexibility. Thankyou for being so prepared and transforming our dirty
locks into lusciousc NASA hair-dos.
Thanks Hiromi for letting us use your hot water stove so we can warm our
calorie mate filled bellies with some sweet action ramen. Richard will
forever be grateful for his initiation into BIG CUP chicken rush. Thanks
for being so kind and caring. Continue on with your chi gong and tai-chi
championships! I felt it last night when you had your hand on my back.
Thankyou mama-cita, for being the most loving person I have ever met. Your
patience outstands me, especially when Hakuna-matata/hatakayama kept on
asking you where to put all the junk he picked out of the apartment. Thanks
for being so beautiful.
Thanks Ben-power for pushing yourself so hard and helping out the girls, we
knew you were super tired but you kept on going. Thankyou for your crazy
laugh and your cleaning skills still amaze me. Like Becky says, with a man
who cleans like you, your lady love will be very grateful.
Thankyou Rima for being so hilarious and lauging at my jokes, and making
the rest of us laugh when you were lauging at Ben who was laughing with
you. Thanks for always checking up on the team. I will always remember
that cup ramen we shared together. It was definately a moment we had.
Thanks Ann for being my bus buddy, and my early stroll combini buddy.
Thanks for being so adorable and charming all the men with your cute
nihongo voice.
Thanks Will for your awesome fearsome leader skills, thanks for battling me
with my smartarse antics - despite your stinkeye, I know, deep down
inside, you really think I:m cool and want to be my best friend. It;s ok.
Ps your beatboxing is pretty swell. Keep it up.
Thanks Becky for organising the tohoku trip and your hilarious subtle
lines. You always lightened up the room! Stay rad.
Most of all thankyou to all of you for being you and thanks for letting me
be part of such an amazing team.
Thanks for having me.
Tohoku ten represent! YEAAHH!
Love x