Sunday, October 24, 2010

rainy mornings. tea. sketchbook.

Also folded a newspaper pirate hat to make sketchtime more adventurous. Come join me?

Saturday, October 23, 2010


[ Charlotte di Calypso by Miles Aldridge for Vogue Italia October 2010 ]

Typetypetype away! If I had worked at home, this would be what my day would be like. I'd have MAGNIFICENT HAIR!! Bows are rad. Dearest friends from work Yeo and Seaton bought me some bow earrings. Going to rock them at skating today ;) Thanks you.

[ Fashion gone rougue_ Tetyana Brazhnyk ]

Leave a voicemail after the tone. Hi. Youre a TOOL. PICK UP THE PHONE SO I CAN ORGANISE THIS MEETING ALREADY! You make me angry.

[ fuckyeahcuteandgirlysht ]

Got new frames. Need to dye my hair blue and then I'd be cool.


Dont judge me but love me.



Thursday, October 14, 2010

too much water.

" ..... please let me go to the bathroom to open my chamber of secrets. okthankyoubye.   "

doesnt like catching trains and buses. Prefers to drive or ride a pony/horse/unicorn.

 [Maryna Linchuk by Phil Poynter in Ithaka _Vogue Germany September 2010 ]

minus the side boob

Lovely weather outside. Really so lovely. Lovely like how I'm feeling about this macaroon that im holding. Hello beautiful macaroon. I think I might eat you.

Speaking of boob. Year 7 visual arts class with Mr Duffy in a room full of eager girls. Mr Duffy drops the 'BOOB' bomb when trying to teach us to sketch. Could feel his uneasiness, and I had to stab a brush into my thigh to stop my epic chortle. Oh. I miss immature chortles.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

roller skating tomorrow.


with my skating buddy abby kebab-y.

assasins v vice city rollers bout.

storm troopers rock my world. bummed photo came out blurry. sorry. pls note awkward stance. this was after I accidently cupped troppers plastic cheek. it was warm. mm. warm trooper cheek.

game on roller dolls.

my hero. sideshow ho. 808. star struck much.

well done assasins. you are fkn awesome. I dig you all.

such a fkn awesome game. edge of my seat, and almost face punched man in front with anxiety.

also love your work vice city rollers, pistola cholas, smashing sallies.

love love love.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

melted cheesus! need to get a move on.

thankyou daylight savings for giving me extra sunshine in the day to go out and play.
ps. I still hate you daylight savings for making it death to wake up in the mornings. BALLS!

[ Morning Beauty _ Lindsey Wixson by Venetia Scott ]

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i try really hard, actually.

 [ Paolla Rahmeier by Jacques Dequeker for Marie Claire Brazil October 2010 ]
I asked lady at the florist to sell me two roses, but she made a beautiful hair bouquet. Thankyou flower lady. Then I worked some magic with 3 bobby pins and a hair tie. but obviously no flowers bobby pins or magic can make my face as good lookin as Paolla's.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

horses horses horses.

[Hilary Rhoda by Ryan Yoon for Elle Korea October 2010]

time to wear things in my hair.

play your mix tape in my walkman


i need more tracks. what is your flavour? teach me all about music and song please.

Unicorns, Firenza and monkey face.

They are freaking rad. Unicorns are rad. I dreamt about one the other night. No. I was not on the 'shrooms. Im also digging skating.

Tire broke-d. We changed it like real men do. Got new Firenzas and going to pretend they're pimpin wheels. Feeling pimpy.

The el'big'brodo also visited home. He is so funny.

Stay rad homies.
Peace and love.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

that tickled me.

" that tickled me" [phrase] - translation: that was funny and it made me chortle.

Learnt it from a pom that I once knew.
I might use it more than often now.

You have a lemon pip on your face.
You look stupid.
That tickled me.
