Monday, November 22, 2010

beers, chortles and great music from my spongebob boombox, best.

Thats how my Sunday arvo went down. You should all join me next time. Thankyou lovely weather.

[ Spring_Summer by Tomas Falmer for Stockholm Spring 2011]

Ps. today.. during training, I sent my lovelies a sametime.
This sametime conversation made me chortle. HARD.

J: tell ailsa shes rad
J: then go to the kitchen
J: and give her a banana
J: from me to her
J: actually walk up to her with TWO bananas
J: point and go PEW PEW PEW PEW
C: hahahahahahahaha
C: ok hold on
J: then throw a ninja star
J: with some stickytape, so it'll attach to her hair
J: and she wouldnt know
J: then throw subtle hints that there's sth in her hair
J: and then when she asks who did it
J: tell her that a ninja never reveals their true identity
C: haha im givin her her bananas first
C: i need a ninja star
C: do u have a ninja star
C: she has a star with her name on it
:: C is offline ::

A: J. are u responsbile for a sticker on my back?
A: also are you responsible for me getting shot with a banana gun?

J: I may be.
x I love my friends.

Friday, November 19, 2010

tea party?


only if you bring the mothafracker cookies.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

That's right. Soak it in.

[ fashiongonerogue Erin Heatherton by Derek Kettela in Lady Barcelona _Elle France May 2010 ]

[ fashiongonerogue Erin Heatherton by Derek Kettela in Lady Barcelona _Elle France May 2010 ]

Summer's back. Bring me some sunnyboys and superdoopers, and you may have some of my cordial. Promise. x

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hen's. Time to get our sexy on.

[ Edita Vilkeviciute by Nathaniel Goldberg for Vogue Nippon June 2010 ]

[ Fashion gone rogue _ Morning Beauty _Cameron Russell by Ben Hassett ] 

[ Fashion gone rogue _ Morning Beauty _Cameron Russell by Ben Hassett ]

-- except I aint got any. I try. Who am I kidding, I'm still waiting for puberty.

Ps. It's masquerade themed ;) Thanks ria-irisariariamia, I think you're doing an amazing job! The bride to be will be soooooo grateful that her jaw would drop to the floor, and we'd have to tie a ribbon around her head to contain her excitement and shock factor, and of course, pull that jaw off the floor.

Love. x

Thursday, November 11, 2010

dress ups or holiday?

[ Missy Rayder by Ditte Isager for Day Birger et Mikkelsen Fall 2010 Campaign ]

Miss out on partying with the work crew, but get to party with the ninja's and geishas.

If I was to go, I'd dress up as Madeline. Because we love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all... we love each other.



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

i think one of these are in ordero... an update!

[September ] :
Skating love


.. with skating budding Abby kebab-y and skating hero Jammin Jimmy.

[ October ] :
Halloween/Toga/18th birthday (if only, fark, 18 was a trillion years ago)

Here is to the school girls and their partners.

[ November ] :
Melbourne cup
I won $14 on the horses!! I'll buy you a pony! or maybe a cheeseburger.. or THREE!


Now... can I have a dollar?


Friday, November 5, 2010

ready when you are.


take me away to some place magical please. okthxbye.


ps. Im hungry, so bring some mcD's nuggets. Oh. and sweet and sour sauce.



Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hello rain.

[Zen Sevastyanova by Paul de Luna in Meliae _Blank No.55]

It's raining a fair bit. It makes me sad. But it's quite peaceful, and soothing. When youre in bed, and you stay in bed. Otherwise it's a bitchface to get out of bed when its raining outside, and then you have to walk outside in the bitchface cold, and get your feet wet. Would be much more fun it was raining, and if you were wearing a lovely gown, had amazing legs, and hopped from rock to rock like a pixie. whinge whinge whinge.

Ps. have recently found poprocks again. Holy beegeebees, I LOVE POP ROCKS! DEFINATELY POPPIN AND ROCKIN MY WORLD. Now please go and buy some so we can eat it together. teehee. Theyre so fun.

Hope youre all well. Stay warm. Or in bed. xX